[XCS224N] Lecture 4 – Backpropagation

More Matrix Gradients

Deriving Gradients wrt Words

pitfall in tetraining word vectors: if some word is not in training data, but other synonyms are present ⇒ only the synonyms word vectors are moved




  • apply (generalized) chain rule
  • re-use shared stuff

computation graph

⇒ Go backwards along edges, pass along gradients

receive upstream grad => compute downstream grad

for node with multiple inputs:

More on Backpropagation


  • plus( + ) distributes upstream grad

  • maxroutes upstream grad

  • multiply( * ) switches the upstream grad

efficency: compute shared part once

Backprop in general computation graph

comput-graph is a DAG ⇒ topological sort

  • Fprop: visit nodes in topological
  • Bprop: in reverse topological order

Complexity = O(n) Automatic Differentiation: symbolic computation on the symbolic expression of Fprop. Moden DL framework: must provide the Fprop/Bprop formular for each node.

Backprop Implementations

for each gate, impl the forward/backward API:

Numeric Gradient For checking if the forward/backward impl is correct e.g.check

(note: use two-sided gradient checks)


Regularization term added to loss func to prevent overfitting:


avoid forloops, use matrix multiplication instead.


tanh is recaled and shifted of sigmoid: tanh(x) = 2 * sigmoid(2x) - 1

new world activation func:

Parameter Initialization

Initialize the weights to small, random values ⇒ break the symmetry.

  • Init bias to 0
  • Init all other weights to Uniform(-r, r).
  • Xavier initialization: variance inverse-proportional to sum of prev&next layer size

Optimizers and Learning Rates

Usually simple SGD works fine, but needs to tune the learningrate (lr). adaptive optimizers: per-parameter learning rate.

learning rate:

  • try with powers of 10
  • learningrate-decay:

(epoch = full pass over the training data)

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