fundamental data types: stacks and queues operations: insert, remove, test empy, iterate,...

module programming: seperate interface and implementation

1. Stacks

ex. a stack of strings

  • API:

    public interface StackoOfStrings{ void push(String item); String pop(); boolean isEmpty(); //int size(); }

implementation 1: using a linkedlist

insert/remove from the top of ...

model & problem

A system using an N-by-N grid of sites.
→ Each site is either open or blocked.
→ A full site is an open site that can be connected to an open site in the top row via a chain of neighboring open sites. (这个full的定义有玄机 而且导致后面写程序时有个问题, 看论坛想了半天才想出来, 见后文.)
→ We say ...

1. Introduction

2. Observations

ex. 3-SUM pb
given N distinct numbers, how many triples sum up to 0? (pb related to computatioal geogtry)

  • brute force method:
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for(int j=i+1;j<N;j++)
        for(int k=j+1;k<N;k++)
            {if ...

Part 0: Preliminaries

Each line in the ratings dataset (ratings.dat.gz) is formatted as:
UserID::MovieID::Rating::Timestamp ⇒ tuples of (UserID, MovieID, Rating)in ratingsRDD
Each line in the movies (movies.dat) dataset is formatted as:
MovieID::Title::Genres ⇒ tuples of (MovieID, Title) in ratingsRDD

487650 ratings and 3883 ...

1. Dynamic Connectivity pb

pb statement

a set of N obj, indexed by 0,1,...,N-1 UNION: connect objects void union(int p, int q) FIND: is there a path connecting 2 obj? boolean connected(int p, int q)


connect components(联通分支): max set of obj that are mutually ...


2 different kinds of statistics:

  • descriptive statistics

ex. median — describes data, but cannot generalize beyong that

  • inferential statistics

ex. t-testing — inferences beyond the data techniques leveraged for machine learning and prediction

supervised learning (clf, reg), unsupervised learning (clustering, dim-reduction) → UL often used in a ...


ex. deal with missing data, entity resolution, unit mismatch, ...

deal with non-ideal samples ⇒ tradeoff between simplicity and accuracy.


data quality problems:

  • Conversions in complex pipelines can mess up data
  • Combining multiple datasets can result in errrors
  • Data degrades in accuracy or loses value over time ...


review: key data management concepts:

  • data model
  • schema
  • relational data model

structured data: have a specific schema to start with

relationl database: a set of relations. 2 parts to a Relation:

  • schema: name of relation, name and type of columns

  • instance:

any data at given time (cardinality:=nb ...


data model: collection of concepts for describing data schema: a description of a particular collection of data using a given data model

structure spectrum:
semi-structured data: apply schema after creating data.


files: named collection of bytes, in hierarchical namespace (but: In a Content-Addressable Storage system ...


a spark prog has 2 programs:

  • dirver program: runs on driver machine
  • worker program: runs on local threads or cluster nodes

a spark prog first creates a SparkContext object:

  • tells how and where to access a cluster
  • shell will automatically create the sc varible
  • in iPython: use ...