[Algorithms I] Week 4-2b Binary Search Trees


1. Binary Search Trees

def. BST
A binary tree where each node has a key:
for every node, the key is larger than all nodes in left subtree, smaller than all nodes in right subtree.

Fields: key, val, left, right


An inner class of BST nodes:

private class Node{   
    private Key key;   
    private Value val;   
    private Node left, right;   
    public Node(Key k, Value v){...}   

skeleton implementation of BST:

public class BST<Key implements Comparable<Key>, Value>{   
private Node root;   
private class Node{...}   
public Value get(Key k){...}   
public void put(Key k, Value v){}   
public void delete(Key k){}   
public Iterable<Key> iterator(){}   

recursive version:
(或者把这个函数写到Node类里面也可以. )

private Value get(Node nd, Key k){   
    if(nd==null) return null; // search miss   
    int cmp = k.compareTo(nd.key);   
    if(cmp==0) return nd.val; // search hit   
    else if (cmp>0) return get(nd.right, k);   
    else return get(nd.left, k);   

non-recursive version:

public Value get(Key k){   
    Node nd=root;   
        int cmp = k.compareTo(nd.key);   
        if (cmp==0) return nd.val;   
        else if(cmp>0) nd = nd.right;   
        else nd = nd.left;   
    return null;   

recursive version:
(注意这个recursive函数的返回值不是void! 这里是一个trick: 返回的是在分叉以前的那个节点)

private Node put(Node nd, Key k, Value v){   
    if(nd==null) return new Node(k, v);   
    int cmp = k.compareTo(nd.key);   
    if(cmp==0) nd.val = v;   
    else if(cmp>0) nd.right = put(nd.right, k, v);   
    else nd.left = put(nd.left, k, v);   
    return nd;   

non-recursive version:

public void put(Key k, Value v){   
    Node nd = root;   
        int cmp = k.compareTo(nd.key);   
        if(cmp==0) {   
            nd.val = v; break;   
        else if(cmp>0){    
            if(nd.right!=null) nd = nd.right;   
            else {nd.right = new Node(k,v); break;}   
        else if (nd.left!=null) {    
            if(nd.left!=null) nd = nd.left;   
            else {nd.left = new Node(k,v); break;}   


complexity: depth of the BST.

shape of BST: depends on how the keys come in (order of insertion).

if keys come in random order: could be pretty well balanced.

BST and quick-sort partitionning
The root of BST is just the pivot in quick sort partitioning *
if all keys are distinct ⇒ one-to-one correspondence between quick sort and BST.

if all keys are distinct and come in randome order, the average number of compares for a search/insert is ~2lnN (or 1.39lgN).

proposition (Reed, 2003)
N distinct keys come in random order, average tree height = 4.300lnN

The tree becomes just like a linked list: ~N for insertion and search

2. Oredered Operations in BST

task: ordered opeartions

  • min()/max(): min/max key
  • deleteMin()/deleteMax()
  • floor(Key k)/ceiling(Key k): largest key <=k / smallest key >=k
  • rank(Key k): nb of keys < key
  • select(int i): key with rank=i
  • Iterator<Key> keys(lo, hi): iterates through [lo, hi]


min: left-most
max: right-most


a little more complexed...

floor (ceiling is similar)

  • if k==nd.key

return nd.val

  • if k<nd.key

the floor must be in the left subtree

  • if k>nd.key
    • 如果min(nd.right) > k: 返回nd.val
    • 如果min(nd.right) <= k: go to right
      public Value floor(Node nd, Key k){// largest element with key <= k       
      int cmp = k.compareTo(nd.key);         
      if(cmp==0) return nd.val;//case 1   
      else if(cmp<0) return floor(nd.left, k);//case 2   
      if (nd.right==null || min(nd.right).compareTo(k)>0) //case 3   
          return nd.val;   
      else return floor(nd.right);   

他提供的版本和我写的不一样: 递归函数floor返回的也是一个Node:


In each node, store the number of nodes in the subtree: add an extra field.


private class Node{   
    private int count;   
public int size(){   
    return size(root);   
public int size(Node nd){   
    if(nd==null) return 0;// this is why we do not put size() inside the class Node!   
    return nd.count;   
public void put(Node nd, Key k, Value v){   
    nd.count = size(nd.left)+size(nd.right)+1;//maintain count for each node   
    return nd;   

(return nb of keys < k)

  • if nd.key==k

return size(nd.left)

  • if nd.key>k

return rank(nd.left, k)

  • if nd.key<k

return size(nd.left)+1+rank(nd,right, k)

private int rank(Node nd, Key k){   
    if(nd==null) return 0;//remember null case   
    int cmp = k.compareTo(nd.key);   
    if(cmp==0) return size(nd.left)   
    else if (cmp<0) return rank(nd.left, k);   
    else return size(nd.left)+1+rank(nd.right,k);   

select() similar...


Inorder traversal 中序遍历

public Iterable<Key> keys(){   
    Queue<Key> q = new Queue<Key>();   
    inorder(root, q);   
    return q;   
private void inorder(Node nd, Queue<Key> q){   
    if(nd==null) return;   

inorder-traversal gives the keys in ascending order.
(proof by induction)

3. Deletions in BST

one final function to implement: delete(Key k), deleteMin(), deleteMax()
→ and remember to update the count field...

(感觉这篇文章其实就讲的很清楚了: http://www.algolist.net/Data_structures/Binary_search_tree/Removal 这个在递归函数里使用了parent这个参数)

lazy approch

put(k, null), and leave the key in the tree (tombstone)
→ not good if have large number of tombstons...


go the the left-most node → replace it with its right node.
Recusive function with the returning-node trick:

private Node deleteMin(Node nd){   
    if(nd==null) return null; // this might not happen   
    if(nd.left==null) return nd.right;   
    else nd.left = deleteMin(nd.left);   
    nd.count = size(nd.left)+1+size(right);//remember to maintain the count field   
    return nd;   


Hibbard deletion

first find node with the key to delete, 3 cases:

  • 0 children:

simply set parent link to null

  • 1 child:

replace parent link with the child

  • 2 children (most subtle)
    • first replace node key with smallest key in right subtree
    • remove the smallest key in right subtree

code of Hibbard deletion
Again (for the 3rd time) use the return-nd trick...

private Node delete(Node nd, Key k){   
    if(nd==null) return null;// search miss   
    int cmp = k.compareTo(nd.key);   
    if(cmp>0) nd.right = delete(nd.right, k);   
    else if(cmp<0) nd.left = delete(nd.left,k);   
        //if nd is the node to delete   
        if(nd.left==null) return nd.right;   
        if(nd.right==null) return nd.left;   
        Key k2 = min(nd.right);   
        nd.key = k2;   
        nd.right = delete(nd.right, k2);   
    nd.count = size(nd.left)+1+size(nd.right);   
    return nd;   
public void delete(Key k){   
    root = delete(root, k);   

感觉用了recursive return-nd 这个trick的实现很漂亮.... 比那篇博客里放一个参数进递归函数以及用auxroot的办法要好不少...


problem: not symmetric
If random insert and delete for a while ⇒ tree become much less balanced ! Tree height tend to be sqrt(N).

BST is much better in average case, but not guaranteed for worst case.

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