[Structuring Machine Learning Projects] week2. ML Strategy (2)

I-Error Analysis

Carrying out error analysis

"Error analysis": manually examine the mistakes → get insight of what's next.

"ceiling on performance"

cat classification, found some false-positives of dog pictures. → should you try to make ML system better on dog or not ?
→ error analysis:

  • get ~100 false positive examples
  • count how many are dogs

→ if only 5% of errors are dogs → performance can improve by <=5% even if totaly solved dog problem.
→ if 50% are dos → might need to improve on dogs.

example2 (evaluate multiple ideas in parallel):

Pick one idea to iterate on: use a spreadsheet

Cleaning up incorrectly labeled data

What to do if there are incorrect labels in data ?

  • In training set:

DL algos are quite robust to random errors in training set.
→ if incorrect labels is close to random errors (percentage not too high), it's OK to train.
caveat: Robust to random errors, not systematic errors. E.g. all white dogs are labeled as cats.

  • In dev/test set:

In error analysis, count cases of incorrect labels.

If #incorrect labels makes a significent different for evaluating, then fix it.

Remember: goal of dev set is to help selecting between two models.

Correcting labels in dev/test sets:

  • apply the same process to test set — dev/test sets have the same distribution.
  • consider both false positive and false negatives. → to make estimate of performance unbiased. (might take longer time)
  • less important to correct training set: training set can come from slight different distribution, but important dev/test come from the same distribution.

Build your first system quickly, then iterate

example: speech recognition
many directions to go → which direction to pick ?

Build system quickly and iterate.

  • set up dev/test set, set metric
  • build intitial system quickly: build something quick & dirty that works.
  • Bias/Variance analysis & Error analysis → prioritize next steps

II-Mistmatched training and dev/test set

Training and testing on different distributions

When distribution of train and dev/test sets are different.

example: cat app
Two sources:

  • webpages (high resolution, a lot of data)
  • user uploaded (blury, relatively small amount).

option1. put both data together, randomly shuffle & split train/dev/test
advantage: train/dev/test come from distribution
disadvantage: many examples in dev/test set come from webpages — but cares more about performance on user-uploaded examples → not recommended, target is not really what we care about

option2. training set mostly from web, for dev/test all from user-uploaded.
advantage: Err_dev/Err_test really reflects what the target is.

example2: speech recognition (speech activated rearview mirror)

  • training data: many data coming from different sources of speech recognition.
  • dev/test: small amount, coming from speech activated rearview mirror.


  • use large training set, even if distribution is different from dev/test set
  • dev/test data should reflect what to expect from the system.

Bias and Variance with mismatched data distributions

B&V analysis changes when training set distribution is different from dev/test set.

When distr(train)!=distr(dev/test):
No longer can say system has large variance problem when seeing Err_train < Err_dev. (Poor performance on dev set may not come from overfitting, but may also from change of distrubtion in data).
⇒ introduce training-dev set: same distrubution as training set, but not used in training.

Now can look at Err_traindev and see if model has variance/bias problem or data-mismatch problem:

General principles:

(also possible to have Err_dev/Err_test < Err_train/Err_traindev, because of data mismatch)

More general formulation (example: rearview mirror):
include Err_human on dev/test data.

Addressing data mismatch

How to address data-mismatch problem? → no systematic solution.

  • manual error analysis: understand difference between train and dev sets.

e.g. noise in car

  • make training data more similar / collect more data similar to dev/test set.

e.g. simulate noisy in-car data (artificial data synthesis)

Artificial data synthesis
caution: avoid synthesise only a small part of all possible examples.
car noise example:

car recognition example:
synthesis car pictures from a video game
problem: if there're only 20 different cars in video cars → overfit

III-Learning from multiple tasks

Transfer learning

Learned knowledge from one task applied to a second task.
reason: some low-level features can be shared for different tasks.

example 1. cat classifier applied to X-ray scans diagnosis.
change last output layer of original model, initial w[L]/b[L] of last layer and retrain the params.
if dataset small: only retrain last layer params (pre-training)
else: retrain all params (fine-tuning)

example 2. speech recognition transfer to trigger word detection
also possilbe to create more layers to NN

When to use transfer learning:

  • task A ans B have the same input
  • a lot of data for task A, relatively small amount of data for task B
  • low level feature of task A could be helpful for task B

Multi-task learning

transfer learning: task A and B are sequential
multi-task learning: in parallel

example: self-driving car
multiple kind of objects to detect

multi-label problem (each example can have multiple labels):
→ output layer should no longer be softmax

Training on NN for 4 tasks instead of 4 separate NNs: early-layer features can be shared.

With missing entries are in labels:

⇒ in loss function, sum only on labeled entries.

When to use multi-task learning:

  • lower-level features can be shared
  • similar amount of data for each task — data for other tasks could help learning of main task

  • can train a big enough NN to do well on all tasks.

in practice: multi-task learning is much less common than transfer learning.

IV-End-to-end deep learning

What is end-to-end deep learning?

E2E: omit multiple stages in pipeline by a single NN.

example: speech recognition.

note: E2E can work well only when have really large dataset.

example2: face recognition from camera.
2-stage works better than E2E:
image → face detection → face recognition.
reason: a lot of data for each of the 2 tasks, but much less data for E2E.

exapmle3: machine translation.
E2E works well because of large amount of training data.

example4: estimating child's age from X-ray img.
separate stages works better.

Whether to use end-to-end deep learning

Pros and cons of E2E learning.

  • let the data speak, avoid intermediate values (e.g. phonemes in speech recognition)
  • less hand-designing of components needed


  • Need large amount of data (X, Y)
  • Excludes potentially useful hand-designed components

Key question for applying E2E learning: sufficient data available to learn a function of the complexity needed to map from x to y?

example: self-driving cars
in practice: multi-stage system

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