(DeepLearning MOOC) Lesson 1: From Machine Learning to Deep Learning

这是udacity上deeplearning的笔记, 做得非常粗糙, 而且这门课也只是介绍性质的... https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning--ud730

Softmax function

socres yi ⇒ probabilities pi

property: smaller scores ⇒ less certain about result

Onehot encoding

Cross entropy

measure how well the probability vector S corresponds to the label vector L. ⇒ cross entropy D(S,L)( D>=0, the smaller the better)

N.B. D(S,L) is not symmetric (never log 0 )

recap ("multinominal logistic classificaton"):

Minimizing cross entropy

take avg D as loss function: ⇒ optimization, for example, by grad-desc:

for the moment, take the optimizer as black box.

two practical problems:

  1. how to feed img pixels to classifiers
  2. how to initialize the optimization

numerical stability

adding very small values to very large values will introduce a lot of errors ! ex.

>>> a = 1e9
>>> for _ in xrange(1000000):
...     a += 1e-6
>>> a - 1e9

⇒ the result is not 1...

⇒ normalize input ! ⇒ 0 mean, 1 variance

this make optimizers easier to find optimum.

normalization for images:

weight initialization

draw init w/b from a Gaussian(0, sigma), sigma → magtitude of initial output. small sigma means small outputs → uncertain about result. ⇒ take small sigma for initialization


⇒ feed this loss fcn to the optimizer

training, validation and test dataset

rule of thumb (30): a change that affects 30 examples in the validation set is statically significant. ⇒ in most cases use >30000 samples in validation set → changes in 0.1% is significant.


rule of thumb: computing grad(L) takes 3x time than computing loss fcn L. → pb for scaling..

SGD is the only fast enough model in practice.

tricks to help SGD:

  1. normalize data (0 mean, uni-var)
  2. randomly initialize weights
  3. momentum
  4. learning rate decay


SGD: many small steps in random directions → general direction is more accurate. ⇒ keep a running average of the gradients

Learning rate decay

take smaller and smaller steps (alpha decays) e.g. alpha decays exponentially...

parameter tuning

how quickly you learning != how well you train.. balck magics in deep learning:

Adagrad variant of SGD, implicitly decays momentum and learning rate.


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