[Algorithms I] Week 3-2 Quicksort

(maybe best algorithm for sorting.)

1. Quicksort


  1. shuffle the array
  2. Partition the array into two subarrays to left and right of pivot (*now pivot is *in its final position)

no larger entry to the left of pivot
no smaller entry to the right of pivot

  1. sort each subarray recursively


The partition process:
Use 2 pointers i and j (个人觉得用hi, lo, pivot更好...) :

→ a[i]>=a[lo], a[j]<=a[lo] (注意是大于等于/小于等于)
⇒ exchange i and j
→ Scan until i and j cross (ie. j<=i)
⇒ finally exchange lo with j
函数的签名定义的好: 把lo到hi部分的数组分成两部分, 并返回分割点的index.

private static int partition(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi){   
    int i=lo+1, j=hi;   
        while( i<=hi && less(a[i],a[lo]) ) i++; //a[i]>=a[lo]   
        while( j>=lo && less(a[lo],a[j]) ) j--; //a[j]<=a[lo]   
        if(i<j) exch(a,i++,j--);   
    exch(a,lo,j); //exchange pivot with j   
    return j; //j in its final position   


  • test for cross pointers is not trival (ex. edge case: the pivot is the smallest/largest entry in the range)
  • i<=hi is necessary !
  • for keys equal to a[lo]: better to stop at them


使用partition函数和辅助sort函数(recursive). 注意在整个流程开始以前先shuffle一下.

private static void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi){   
    if(hi<=lo) return;   
    int pivot = partition(a, lo, hi);   
public static void sort(Comparable[] a){   
    StdRandom.shuffle(a); // don't forget to shuffle the array   

The randomness is preserved: the subarrays after partitionning is still randomly ordered.


Performance: ~40% faster than mergesort.

Best case

compares = NlgN

(each partition will divide the array in half)

Worst case

compares = 1/2*N^2

if the array is already in order, each partition will have one subarray of length=0

Average case

On average, for array with N distinct keys, the #compares = ~2NlnN, #exchanges = ~1/2NlnN.
C(N) := # compares for N entries
pivot 在N个数离的排名是uniform的

(上面最后一行写错了... 是2NlnN...orz) random shuffle: probalistic guarantee against worst case.

implementations will get quadratic performance if array:

  • is sorted or reverse sorted
  • has many duplicates (even if randomized)

Quicksort is NOT stable.
partitionning can make long range exchanges

Practical improvements

  • cutoff to insertion sort for <10 items

→ ~20% improvement
Or we can leave the small subarrays unsorted and sort them at last using insertion sort

  • estimate median by sampling 3 items

→ 10% improvement

2. Selection

Goal: given un array, find the kth largest item.

  • Upper bound for this problem: NlgN (just sort the array)
  • for small k (ex k=1,2,3), the upper bound is N (one-pass/two-pass)
  • Lower bound is N: at least have to look at everything

Quick select

Algo proposed also by Hoare:

  1. partition the array into two arrays left of pivot and right of pivot.
  2. if pivot==k: return
  3. continue the partition for just one of the subarrays

注意这里是不用递归的! 因为partition函数返回的直接就是pivot在整个数组里的位置!


privater static int partition(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi){...}

public static Comparable select(Comparable[] a, int k){   
    int lo=0,hi=a.length-1;   
        int j = partition(a,lo,hi);   
        if(j<k) lo=j+1;   
        if(j==k) return a[j];   
        else hi=j-1;   
        if(hi<=lo) break;   
    return a[k];//这里不太理解为什么会在hi<lo的时候直接返回a[k]   


Quick selection takes linear time on average.
*proof *
intuitively, each partition will ct the subarray size in half:
N+N/2+N/4+... = 2N
formal analysis 略...

worst case: quadratic (but very rare to happen)

Theoretical results

3. Duplicate keys

if array contains many duplicate keys.

  • huge array
  • small number of distinct keys

for mergesort
insensitive... always ~NlgN compares.

for quicksort
Will get quadratic time if not stop on equal keys. (found in 1990s)
mistake: put all items equal to pivot *to just one side *
→ N^2 compares if all keys are equal from lo to hi.
correct: put all items equal to pivot in their final place.

3-way partitionning

(by Dijkstra)
partition the array into 3 parts:

Dijkstra's 3-way partition algo:
使用3个指针: lt指向中间部分的左边界, gt指向右边界; i指针从左向右扫描, 算法很subtle:

  • lt=lo, gt=hi, i=lo
  • if a[i]==v : i++
  • if a[i]<v: exch(i,lt), i++, lt++
  • if a[i]>v: exch(i,gt), gt--
  • repeat until i and gt cross (i>gt)


  • [lo, lt) all < v
  • [lt, i) all == v
  • (gt, hi] all >v

Implementation: 3-way quick sort

不必再写partition函数, 直接在sort递归函数里面.

private static void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi){   
    if(hi<=lo) return; // 递归函数别忘了先写终止条件...   
    int lt=lo, gt = hi;   
    Comparable v = a[lo];   
    for(int i=lo;i<=gt;){ //不能写 i++   
        if( less(a[i],v) )   
            exch(a, i++, lt++);   
        else if ( less(v,a[i]) )   
        else // v==a[i]   
    sort(a, lo, lt-1);   
    sort(a, gt+1, hi);  

当N个数有很多重复的时候, lower bound可以变小于NlgN:

And Sedgewick proved that the 3-wy partition is propotional to the lower bound....

4. System Sorts

Arrays.sort() in java:

import java.util.Arrays;

quicksort for primitive arrays, mergesort for objects: java设计者认为如果用obj array表示空间不是问题...

Pb in java's system sort: killer input exsit (havn't shuffle)...


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