[learning torch] 3. Container (models)

doc: https://github.com/torch/nn/blob/master/doc/containers.md
ref: http://rnduja.github.io/2015/10/04/deep_learning_with_torch_step_2_nn_containers/

Container, similarly to Module, is the abstract class defining the base methods inherited from concrete containers. Container contains modules (layers).

Container class

important methods:

  • add(module)
  • get(index): get module at the index
  • size()

important subclasses:

  • Sequential
  • Parallel
  • Concat


Sequential is just a stack of layers, add layer by model:add(). Here is a simple 2-layer MLP example:

th>  mlp = nn.Sequential() 
th> mlp:add( nn.Linear(10, 25) ) -- 10 input, 25 hidden units 
th> mlp:add( nn.Tanh() ) -- some hyperbolic tangent transfer function 
th> mlp:add( nn.Linear(25, 1) ) -- 1 output 
th> mlp:forward(torch.range(1,10)) 
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 1]


module = Parallel(inputDimension,outputDimension)

Creates a container module that applies its ith child module to the ith slice of the input Tensor by using select on dimension inputDimension. It concatenates the results of its contained modules together along dimension outputDimension.

So if the input for parallel model is x, the input for its ith child module should be: x.select(inputDimension, i),
and the parallel model should be: torch.cat( out1, out2, ouputDimension) (concat along this dimension).

th> mlp = nn.Parallel(2,1) -- select(split) on dim2 for input, concat along dim1 for output 
th> mlp:add(nn.Linear(10,3)) -- input=1st slice of x (x:select()), output1: size=3 
th> mlp:add(nn.Linear(10,2)) -- output2: size=2 
th> x = torch.randn(10,2)  
th> x 
 0.3242 -1.3911 
 0.7433 -0.2725 
 0.3947  0.3332 
 1.1618  0.6743 
 0.6655 -1.0901 
 0.0419 -0.7845 
-0.8508 -1.4670 
-0.3842 -0.4107 
 0.5238  2.3616 
 1.4136 -0.1327 
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 10x2]

th> mlp:forward(x) 
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 5]


module = nn.Concat(dim)

Concat concatenates the output of its "parallel" children modules along dim: these child modules take the same inputs, and their output is concatenated.

th> mlp = nn.Concat(1) -- ouput concat along dim 1 
th> mlp:add( nn.Linear(10,2) ); 
th> mlp:add( nn.Linear(10,3) ); 
th> x = torch.randn(1,5)

th> mlp:forward(x) 
[torch.DoubleTensor of size 5]
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