(DeepLearning MOOC) Lesson 4: Deep Models for Text and Sequences

problems with text:

  1. often very rare word is important, e.g. retinopathy
  2. ambiguity: e.g. cat and kitty

→ need a lot of labeled data ⇒ not realistic.
unsupervised learning

similar words appear in similar context.
embedding: map words to small vectors

measure the closeness by cosine distance:


initial: random vector
→ train model to predict nearby word.

pb: too many words in dictionary → softmax too slow
⇒ random sample the non-target words


dimension reduction (not PCA) that preserves the neighborhood structure (close vector → close in 2d as well).


treat varaible length sequences of words.
use the current word (Xi) and the last prediction as input.

backprop for RNN

apply highly correlated derivatives to W → not good for SGD.

pb if we use highly correlated updates: grad either explod or it disappear quickly.

fix grad-exploding: clip

grad-vanishing: memory loss in RNN


in RNN: replace the NN by a LSTM cell

represent the system with memory by a diagram with logical gates:

change the decision variables to continous:

a logistic regression in each gate: controls when to remember and when to forget things.


regularization for LSTM:

  • L2 regularization: OK
  • dropout: OK when used for input/output (X and Y), but NOT use to the recurrent in/out.

beam search is for generating sequences by RNN.

Greedy approach: at each step, sample from the predicted distribution of the RNN.

smarter approach:
predict more steps and pick the seq with largest proba.

pb with this: the number of possible seq grows exponentially
⇒ just keep the few most promising seqs → "Beam search"

seq to seq

RNN: model to map vaiable length seq to fix-length vectors.

Beam search: sequence generation (map fix-length vectors to seq)

concat them together: seq to seq system

translation, speech recognation, image captionning

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